Creating Reports in Excel

eBSI Export Academy
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Creating Reports in Excel

Objectives: This course provides basic and advanced training on how to easily organize & manage data using MS Excel.

Completing this course will confer 2 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.


Unit Contents:

1. Basic Excel Reports
In this topic you will cover:
1. Basic Excel Reports
1.1 Overview
1.2 Interface
1.3 File Menu 1
1.4 File Menu 2
1.5 Home Menu
1.6 Insert Menu
1.7 Page Layout Menu
1.8 Formulas Menu
1.9 Data Menu 1
1.10 Data Menu 2
1.11 Review Menu
1.12 View Menu
1.13 Templates
1.14 Dates
1.15 Numbers
1.16 Text
1.17 B Calculations-Manual
1.18 Calculations
1.19 Page Set Up
1.20 Print Settings
1.21 Conclusion

2. Advanced Excel Reports
In this topic you will cover:
2. Advanced Excel Reports
2.1 Overview
2.2 Calculations Absolute References
2.3 Calculations Relative References
2.4 Using Logical Formulas
2.5 Using Text Formulas
2.6 Using Lookup Formulas
2.7 Using Financial Formulas
2.8 Using Date and Time Formulas
2.9 Sorting Data
2.10 Formatting Data into Tables
2.11 Using Pivot Tables 1
2.12 Using Pivot Tables 2 Design
2.13 Formatting Data as Charts
2.14 Formatting as Data as Maps
2.15 Formatting Data as Formal Reports
2.16 Formatting Data for Other Office Documents
2.17 Cell Protection and Collaboration
2.18 Cell Protection and Collaboration 2
2.19 Interface with Google Sheets
2.20 Conclusion

Creating Reports in Excel - eBSI Export Academy
Creating Reports in Excel - eBSI Export Academy
Creating Reports in Excel - eBSI Export Academy
Creating Reports in Excel - eBSI Export Academy

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