Global - IFC Trade Finance e-Learning
Custom e-Learning Project Profile
Global |
Global Trade Finance Program of the IFC
Project Description
Design, authoring and development of an online Certificate in Trade Finance for emerging markets bankers working primarily in issuing banks of the International Finance Corporation but later expanded to become a global professional certification for all trade finance practitioners.
Development and management of an online learning portal to manage and deliver the online certificate programs and selected short courses.
The IFC Trade Finance e-Learning certificate program is structured as follows:
Duration: 40 hours (up to 12 months to complete)
Course Units:
- Methods of Payment in International Trade
- Documentary Credits Fundamentals
- Bonds and Guarantees
- Short and Medium Term Finance
- Factoring Fundamentals
- Management of Documentary Credits
- Factoring Fundamentals
- Export Credit Agency Finance
- Structured Commodity Finance
- Trade Finance Fraud Prevention
This program is delivered entirely by e-Learning by eBSI Export Academy. Course graduates receive certification from eBSI Export Academy and the International Finance Corporation.