A number of studies identify the key skills that workers need to be successful in the workplace. Eight of the most commonly identified skills are: Being a Productive Team Member, Flexibility, Problem Solving, Resourcefulness, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Self-Confidence, Creative Thinking and Emotional Intelligence. These skills can be enhanced through training.
Sessions in this course give students the grounding they need in a range of skills that have been identified as being vital to workplace success.
Course Topics:
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: Being a Team Player
- Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
Session Three: Flexibility
- Change Exercise
- Change Tolerance
Session Four: Problem Solving
- What is a Problem?
- Eight Essentials to Defining a Problem
Session Five: Resourcefulness
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
- Characteristics of Resourcefulness
Session Six: Feedback
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
Session Seven: Self-Confidence
- What does Self-Confidence Look Like?
- Building Self-Confidence
Session Eight: Creative Thinking
- Methods for Creative Thinking
- Other Methods
- Creative Thinking Exercise
Session Nine: Emotional Intelligence
- History of Social and Emotional Intelligence
- Defining Social and Emotional Intelligence
- Recommended Reading List
- Personal Action Plan

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