In this course you will learn to dominate Excel 2016 with our program which will take you from:
- Excel 2016 Essentials
- Excel 2016 Advanced
- Excel 2016 Expert
- Excel 2016 Macros and VBA
- Excel 2016 Master
Following this course you will be in the top tier of Excel practitioners and will be the go-to person for any Excel wizardry needed in your organisation! This course is a must have for Business people, Bankers, Financiers, Project Managers and anyone else who needs to become an absolute master of Excel 2016!
Completing this course will confer 10 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.
Essentials Course Outline
Participants will gain a fundamental understanding of the Excel environment and the ability to complete tasks independently. They will know and demonstrate the correct application of the principal features of Excel 2016. Participants will create and edit a workbook with multiple sheets, and use a graphic element to represent data visually. Workbook examples include professional looking budgets, financial statements, team performance charts, sales invoices, and data-entry logs.
Course Outline
Module One: Create and Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
- Create Worksheets and Workbooks
- Create a workbook
- Import data from a delimited text file
- Add a worksheet to an existing workbook
- Copy and move a worksheet
- Navigate in Worksheets and Workbooks
- Search for data within a workbook
- Navigate to a named cell, range, or workbook element
- Insert and remove hyperlinks
- Format Worksheets and Workbooks
- Change worksheet tab color
- Rename a worksheet
- Change worksheet order
- Modify page setup
- Insert and delete columns or rows
- Change Workbook themes
- Adjust row height and column width
- Insert headers and footers
- Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks
- Hide or unhide worksheets
- Hide or unhide columns and rows
- Customize the Quick Access toolbar
- Change workbook views
- Change window views
- Modify document properties
- Change magnification by using zoom tools
- Display formulas
- Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution
- Set a print area
- Save workbooks in alternative file formats
- Print all or part of a workbook
- Set print scaling
- Display repeating row and column titles on multiple worksheets
- Inspect a workbook for hidden properties or personal information
- Inspect a workbook for accessibility issues
- Inspect a workbook for compatibility issues
Module Two: Manage Data Cells and Ranges
- Insert data in cells and ranges
- Replace data
- Cut, copy, or paste data
- Paste data by using special paste options fill cells by using Auto Fill
- Insert and delete cells
- Format cells and ranges
- Merge cells
- Modify cell alignment and indentation
- Format cells by using Format Painter
- Wrap text within cells
- Apply number formats
- Apply cell formats, apply cell styles
- Summarize and organize data
- Insert sparklines
- Outline data
- Insert subtotals
- Apply conditional formatting
Module Three: Create tables
- Create and manage tables
- Create an Excel table from a cell range
- Convert a table to a cell range
- Add or remove table rows and columns
- Manage table styles and options
- Apply styles to tables
- Configure table style options
- Insert total rows
- Filter and sort a table
- Filter records
- Sort data by multiple columns
- Change sort order
- Remove duplicate records
Module Four: Perform operations with formulas and functions
- Summarize data by using functions
- Insert references
- Perform calculations by using the SUM function
- Perform calculations by using MIN and MAX functions
- Perform calculations by using the COUNT function
- Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE function
- Perform conditional operations by using functions
- Perform logical operations by using the IF function
- Perform logical operations by using the SUMIF function
- Perform logical operations by using the AVERAGEIF function
- Perform statistical operations by using the COUNTIF function
- Format and modify text by using functions
- Format text by using RIGHT, LEFT, and MID functions
- Format text by using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions
- Format text by using the CONCATENATE function
Module Five: Create charts and objects
- Create charts
- Create a new chart
- Add additional data series
- Switch between rows and columns in source data
- Analyze data by using Quick Analysis
- Format graphic elements
- Resize charts
- Add and modify chart elements
- Apply chart layouts and styles
- Move charts to a chart sheet
- Insert and format objects
- Insert text boxes and shapes
- Insert images
- Modify object properties
- Add alternative text to objects for accessibility
Advanced Course Outline
Excel 2016 Advanced
Objectives: This course will take learners to a high level of knowledge using financial topics available in Excel such as Financial functions, auditing and Charts.
Unit Contents:
1. Getting Started
In this topic you will cover a basic introduction to the course unit and its objectives.
2. Using Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
In this topic you will cover:
Using Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
Using Multiple Worksheets
Inserting New Worksheets
Renaming Worksheets
Deleting Worksheets
Creating Multiple Views
Freezing Panes
Viewing and Arranging Multiple Worksheet Windows
Navigating in Multiple Workbooks
Selecting and Viewing Multiple Workbooks
Managing Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
Selecting Multiple Worksheets
Moving and Copying Data between Worksheets
Linking Data Between Worksheets
Creating a 3-D Formula
Self-test Quiz
3. Charting
In this topic you will cover:
Using Charts
Creating a Chart
Changing Chart Type, Style and Chart Sub-Type
Changesto the Chart Source Data
Add data to an existing chart
Change the data in an existing chart
Remove data from a chart
Managing Chart Objects
Moving and Resizing Chart Objects
Deleting Chart Objects
Adding Data Series and Objects to a Chart
Changing the Chart Type
Formatting Chart Objects
Printing Charts
Self-test Quiz
4. Advanced Functions
In this topic you will cover:
Advanced Functions
Creating and Using Functions
Using Built-in Functions
Working with Arguments: The PMT Function
Using Dates and Times
Using Dates in Calculations
Using Nested Functions
Auditing Worksheets
Identifying the Auditing Commands
The Watch Window
The Formula Evaluator
Tracing and Correcting Worksheet Errors
Self-test Quiz
5. Advanced Formatting
In this topic you will cover:
Advanced Formatting
Using Comments in a Worksheet
Reviewing, Showing, and Hiding Comments
Deleting a Comment
Working with Styles
Applying a Style
Modifying Existing Styles
Using Format Painter
Creating Custom Number Formats
Applying an AutoFormat (Table Format)
Conditional Formats
Clear conditional formats
Self-test Quiz
6. New Features in Excel 2016
In this topic you will cover:
In this topic you will cover:
New Features in Excel 2016
What’s New in Excel 2016
Benefits in the new version
File Types
The Ribbon
The Quick Access Toolbar
Different Screen Resolutions - Solutions
Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2016 (KEY TIPS)
Self-test Quiz
7. Wrapping Up / Assessment Result
In this topic you will cover:
Course Conclusion
Wrapping up
Test Results Summary
Expert Course Outline
Participants will gain an advanced level of understanding for the Microsoft Excel environment, and the ability to guide others to the proper use of the program's full features - critical skills for those in roles such as accountants, financial analysts, and commercial bankers.
Participants will create, manage, and distribute professional spreadsheets for a variety of specialized purposes and situations. They will customize their Excel 2016 environments to meet project needs and increase productivity. Expert workbook examples include custom business templates, multi-axis financial charts, amortization tables, and inventory schedules.
Course Outline
Module One: Manage Workbook Options and Settings
- Manage Workbooks
- Save a workbook as a template
- Copy macros between workbooks
- Mange Document Versions
- Reference data in another workbook
- Reference data by using structured references
- Enable macros in a workbook
- Display hidden ribbon tabs
- Manage Workbook Review
- Restrict editing
- Protect a worksheet
- Configure formula calculation options
- Protect workbook structure
- Mange workbook versions
- Encrypt workbooks with a password
Module Two: Apply Custom Data Formats and Layouts
- Apply Custom Data Formats and Validation
- Create custom number formats
- Populate cells by using advanced Fill Series options
- Configure data validation
- Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting and Filtering
- Create custom conditional formatting rules
- Create conditional formatting rules that use formulas
- Manage conditional formatting rules
- Create and Modify Custom Workbook Elements
- Create custom color formats
- Create and modify cell types
- Create and modify custom themes
- Create and modify simply macros
- Insert and configure form controls
- Prepare a Workbook for Internationalization
- Display data in multiple international formats
- Apply international currency formats
- Manage multiple options for +Body and +Heading fonts
Module Three: Create Advanced Formulas
- Apply Functions in Formulas
- Perform logical operations by using AND, OR, and NOT functions
- Perform logical operations by using nested functions
- Perform statistical operations by using SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, AND COUNTIFS functions
- Look up data using Functions
- Look up data by using the VLOOKUP
- Look up data by using the HLOOKUP function
- Look up data by using the MATCH function
- Look up data by using the INDEX function
- Apply Advanced Date and Time Functions
- Reference the date and time by using the NOW and TODAY functions
- Serialize numbers by using date and time functions
- Perform Data Analysis and Business Intelligence
- Import, transform, combine, display, and connect to data
- Consolidate data
- Perform what-if analysis buy suing Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
- Use cube functions to get data out of the Excel data model
- Calculate data by using financial functions
- Troubleshoot Formulas
- Trace precedence and dependance
- Monitor cells and formulas by using the Watch Window
- Validate formulas by using error checking values
- Evaluate formulas
- Calculate data by using financial functions
- Define Named Ranges and Objects
- Name cells
- Name data ranges
- Name tables
- Mange named ranges and objects
Module Four: Create Advanced Charts and Tables
- Create Advanced Charts
- Add trendlines to charts
- Create dual axis charts
- Save a chart as a template
- Create and Manage Pivot Tables
- Create PivotTables
- Modify field selections and options
- Create slicers
- Group PivotTable data
- Reference data in a PivotTable by suing the GETPRIVOTDATA function
- Add calculated fields
- Format data
- Create and Manage PivotCharts
- Create PivotCharts
- Manipulate options in existing PivotCharts
- Apply styles to PivotCharts
- Apply Styles to PivotCharts
- Manipulate options in existing PivotCharts
- Apply styles to PivotCharts
- Drill down into PivotChart details
Macros and VBA Course Outline
Excel 2016 Macros and VBA
Objectives: This course covers automation and customising of Excel using macros and screen items (such as buttons and menus). It will also teach learners how to write macros using VB code and assign macros to screen items.
Unit Contents:
1. Getting Started
In this topic you will cover a basic introduction to the course unit and its objectives.
2. Introduction & the Macro Recorder
In this topic you will cover:
Introduction & the Macro Recorder
The Excel Macro Recorder
Relative and Absolute Recording
Macro Storage
Macro Shortcut Keys
Deleting Macros
Excel’s New File Format
Self-test Quiz
3. Creating & Editing Macros With VBA
In this topic you will cover:
Creating & Editing Macros With VBA
Macro Storage Concepts
The VB Editor
Working With Modules
Editing Macros
Copying Macros
Linking Macros
User-Defined Functions
Globally Available User-Defined Functions
Auto Executable Macros
Self-test Quiz
4. Objects and Dialog Boxes
In this topic you will cover:
Objects and Dialog Boxes
The VBA Object Browser
Built-In Dialog Boxes
Custom Dialog Boxes
Self-test Quiz
5. Introduction to Controls
In this topic you will cover:
Introduction to Controls
Worksheet Controls
Introduction to User Forms
Accessing your Macros in Excel
Self-test Quiz
6. Wrapping Up / Assessment Result
In this topic you will cover:
Course Conclusion
Wrapping up
Test Results Summary
Master Course Outline
ITLU055 : Excel 2016 Master
Excel 2016 Master : In this mastery course you will be taken to the highest level of proficiency in MS Excel 2016. Before attempting this course you should have completed the Essentials, Advanced and Expert courses.
Objectives: This course takes users to a high level of knowledge using financial topics available in Excel such as Financial functions, auditing and Charts.
Unit Contents:
1. Getting Started
In this topic you will cover a basic introduction to the course unit and its objectives.
2. Working with Lists
In this topic you will cover:
Working with Lists
Creating a List
Maintaining a List
Editing Records Using the Data Form
Filtering a List
Using Subtotals in a List
Self-test Quiz
3. Macros and User Defined Functions
In this topic you will cover:
Macros and User Defined Functions
Recording and Using Macros
Assigning Macros
Using User-Defined Functions
Self-test Quiz
4. Basic Analysis Tools
In this topic you will cover:
Basic Analysis Tools
Performing “What If” Analyses
Working with Scenarios
Self-test Quiz
5. Advance Analysis Tools and External Data
In this topic you will cover:
Advance Analysis Tools and External Data
Querying a Database
Importing and Exporting Files
Protecting Data
Using Data Validation
Using Worksheet Protection
Password Protecting a Workbook
Self-test Quiz
6. Pivot Tables & Advanced Business Analysis Tools
In this topic you will cover:
Pivot Tables & Advanced Business Analysis Tools
Working with Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Identifying the Parts of a Basic Pivot Table
Pivot Table Reports
Create a PivotTable from worksheet data
Create a PivotTable from an external data source
Create a PivotChart report from an existing PivotTable report
Delete a PivotTable or PivotChart report
Using slicers
Formatting slicers for a consistent look
Sharing slicers between PivotTables
Types of Sparklines
Create a sparkline
Customize sparklines
Control which value points are shown
Change the style of or format sparklines
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Business intelligence
What is Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)?
OLAP features in Excel 2016
Self-test Quiz
7. Wrapping Up / Assessment Result
In this topic you will cover:
Course Conclusion
Wrapping up
Test Results Summary

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