International Contracts

eBSI Export Academy
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A contract is a single document, in which the rights and obligations of the exporter and the importer are stipulated.

In this unit you will learn about International Contracts

This will be achieved by:  
- Examining standard and other types of International Contracts.
- Analysing the various clauses which exist in International contracts.
- Learning about the process of Arbitration in relation to International  Contracts.
- Studying various examples of International Contracts.

Completing this course will confer 5 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.


Course Outline


1.1 Legal Advice

1.2 Standard Model

1.3 Title to Goods

1.4 The Vienna Convention

1.4.1 Contract Layout. Acceptance, delivery and inspection

1.4.2 Rights and Obligations of the Importer

1.4.3 Non-Compliance

1.4.4 Force Majeure

1.4.5 Protection of the Goods

1.4.6 Lecture on CISG


2.1 Preamble

2.2 Definitions

2.3 Duties and Obligations

2.4 Communication and Documentation

2.5 Prices

2.6 Terms of Payment

2.7 Penalties

2.8 Force Majeure

2.9 Official Authorisations and Permits

2.10 Dispute Resolution

2.11 Language

2.12 Other Conditions    


3.1 Functions and Example

3.2 Official Clauses


4.1 Model Sales Contract (with Explanations)

4.2 UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (PDF)

4.3 International Court of Arbitration (web)

4.4 Distributorship Agreement

4.5 Bill of Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreement

4.6 Agreement for Mutual Indemnity among Guarantors

4.7 Separation Agreement and General Release

4.8 Memorandum of Royalty Agreement

4.9 Agreement on Transfer of Rights

4.10 Agency Agreement

4.11 Confidentiality Agreement

Further Reading

1- Vienna Convention – Contract for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

2- CISG Case Law

3- INTRACEN Model Contracts

4- INTRACEN Model contract for International Sale of Goods

5- UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules

6- UNCTAD GUIDE TO International Commercial Arbitration

Forum Assignment

International Contracts - eBSI Export Academy
International Contracts - eBSI Export Academy
International Contracts - eBSI Export Academy
International Contracts - eBSI Export Academy

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