Fake news has always been around. But lately it seems as though it’s becoming more and more common. With the wide reach of the internet and social media, fake news can spread like wildfire. In this environment, it’s important for businesses to know how to recognize and cope with it.
This course will help learners to understand:
- the impacts of fake news,
- learn strategies to deal with it,
- how to turn a potential crisis into opportunities for promotion
- and growth if your business becomes a victim of it.
Course Topics:
Session One: Course Overview
- Learning Objectives
Session Two: Evolution of ‘The Truth’
- The Truth
- Pre-Assignment Review
- Fake News Defined
- Making Connections: Your Thoughts
- The Media Safety Valve
- Making Connections: Your Advisors
Session Three: The Challenge of ‘Social’
- What is the Purpose of the Media?
- Making Connections: Social Communication
- Feeding the Machine
- Making Connections: Your Advisors
Session Four: Life of a Target
- Links in the Chain
- How Fake News Spreads
- You as a Link
- Making Connections: Power of Persuasion
- Understanding Your Company
- Making Connections: Newsfeed Search
- Forums for Your Audience
- Making Connections: Storefront Review
Session Five: Deconstructing Fake News
- Deconstructing Fake News
- Making Connections: A Fake News Encounter
- Separating Fact from fiction
- Making Connections: Real or Fake
Session Six: Coping with a Crisis
- Coping with a Crisis
- From Crisis To Opportunity
- Crisis Defined
- Shrinking the Target
- Making Connections: Reaction Time
- Staying Clear of the Smear
- Real Versus Fake Revisited
Session Seven: Proactive Approaches
- Letting Social Media Serve You
- Understanding Your Customers
- A Closer Look at Customers Activity
- Relationships Reviewed
- Making Connections: A Look at Methods
- Examining Your Ingredients
- Making Connections: Checklist
- Reaching Out Online
- Making Connections: Reaching Out
- Maintaining the Momentum
- Your Fake News Reaction Online
- Personal Action Plan
- Summary

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