Using Amazon S3

eBSI Export Academy
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Using Amazon S3

Objectives: This course provides basic and advanced knowledge on the online data storage system through Amazon S3 Web Interface system.

Completing this course will confer 2 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.


Unit Contents:

1. Basic Amazon Training
In this topic you will cover:
1. Amazon S3 Basics
1.1 Overview
1.2 Pricing
1.3 Set Up
1.4 File Storage
1.5 File Interface-Filezilla
1.6 File Interface-Cloudberry
1.7 File Delivery
1.8 File Backup
1.9 File Backup 2
1.10 File Sharing
1.11 Cloud Transfers
1.12 Zapier Connection 1 Dropbox
1.13 Zapier Connection 2 Google Drive
1.14 Hosting Multimedia on S3
1.15 Using A Multimedia Interface on S3
1.16 Should I Host Multimedia on S3
1.17 File Protection
1.18 Tracking Bandwidth
1.19 Embedding Amazon S3 Video to Static Html
1.20 Conclusion

2. Advanced Amazon S3 Training
In this topic you will cover:
2. Amazon S3 Advanced
2.1 Overview
2.2 Create and Configure A Bucket
2.3 Add A Bucket Policy
2.4 Uploading and Testing
2.5 Using Your Own Domain
2.6 Custom Domain Configuration 1
2.7 Custom Domain Configuration 2 Bucket Configuration
2.8 Custom Domain Configuration 3
2.9 Custom Domain Configuration 4 Domain Offsite
2.10 Custom Domain Configuration-5 Alias
2.11 Custom Domain Configuration 6 Testing
2.12 WordPress Installation 1
2.13 Wordpress Installation 2
2.14 Wordpress Backup to S3
2.15 Wordpress Media Offload to S3
2.16 Serving Website Images from Amazon S3
2.17 Embedding Media into Wordpress
2.18 Embedding S3 Video into Wordpress With Html
2.19 Securing Downloads in S3 And Wordpress
2.20 Conclusion

Using Amazon S3 - eBSI Export Academy
Using Amazon S3 - eBSI Export Academy
Using Amazon S3 - eBSI Export Academy
Using Amazon S3 - eBSI Export Academy

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