eLearning Benefits for Companies

In many cases, the biggest dilemma facing a company considering employing e-Learning as a tool to train staff is how to justify the cost of such an approach.
Within the context of International Trade and Finance training, without doubt e-Learning delivers more training benefits to more people for the lowest training investment. E-Learning, if it is done the right way always saves time, money, resources, and delivers measurable, tangible results.
Instant access to information is one of the driving factors in today’s international economy. The key to success is moving knowledge from the people who have it to the people who need it. E-Learning provided by competent content providers gives you the power to do exactly that. Virtually anyone anywhere can sharpen their trade skills or develop new ones.
Participants in the International Trade Specialist Accreditation (ITS) have reported achieving significant cost savings in their trade operations simply by carrying out an audit of entrenched trade procedures and ensuring that service provision contracted such as transport or insurance is still the most cost effective available. Regular revision of customs regulations can also open up opportunities for cost savings through implementation of alternative customs regimes or applying for duty relief where relevant. With a structured e-Learning programme such as the ITS it is easy to stay
abreast of events and to obtain practical advice from other trade practitioners within the network from around the world. This availability of focused technical information can dramatically improve your bottom line.
Features of E-Learning
- Learning is self-paced and gives students a chance to speed up or slow down as necessary
- Learning is partly self-directed, while we guide students through course content, they are free to choose content and tools appropriate to their differing interests, needs, and skill levels
- Accommodates multiple learning styles using a variety of delivery methods geared to different learners; more effective for certain learners
- Designed around the learner
- Geographical barriers are eliminated, opening up broader education options
- 24/7 accessibility makes scheduling easy and allows a greater number of people to attend classes
- On-demand access means learning can happen precisely when needed
- Travel time and associated costs (parking, fuel, vehicle maintenance) are reduced or eliminated
- Overall student costs are frequently less (tuition, residence, food, child care)
- Potentially lower costs for companies needing training, due to group rates available
- Fosters greater student interaction and collaboration
- Fosters greater student/instructor contact
- Enhances computer and Internet skills
- Content is available for reference for the student in a quick and easy to access format for when a technical question arises.
- Can’t find the answer in the course content? Ask your tutor on the online campus!
Studies have shown that without travel time or expenses, e- Learning can save up to 40 to 60 percent when compared to traditional training. And students can take as many courses as often as they need.
E-learning participants tend to develop professional relationships which last indefinitely.
Just-In-Time Training
The ITS Accreditation deliver international trade knowledge ondemand, with up-to-the-minute information. Students can access training instantly-at the office, at home, or on the road, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Education is available when and where they want (and need) it. The learner has the option of CD ROM delivery or totally online or a combination of both.
Global competitive edge
The benefit that high-growth companies gain by implementing e-Learning strategies and technologies is consistently beating the competition and maintaining their competitive edge in the marketplace. By availing of an international network of experts intrinsic to a World class learning a company can reduce the need for external consultants until a specific business need arises.
The best advice for anyone with a latent interest in e-Learning is to take a tester by undertaking a short modularized and certified e-Learning course or nominating an employee as a pilot trainee.