What will you have to show for your time under Lockdown?
Take your time under COVID-19 Lockdown and Upskill!
As the Global Lockdown carries on in countries all over the world it is likely that you have exhausted your supply of Box Sets or Netflix/Disney+ series that are worthy of your time by now! Why not profit from on-line learning while you have this spare time, so that you will be in a stronger position when you return to work?
50-80% Price Reduction on all our courses
We have reduced the prices of all our courses for the duration of this pandemic by 50% to 80%. We have done this for two reasons, firstly to make our online courses as accessible to as many as possible to keep learning minds active during this crisis and also we ask you to support us to ensure we can continue to maintain our employees in Ireland, Slovenia, Nigeria and the Philippines who all have young families and need the income provided by your patronage. Courses of particular relevance during this crisis include:
- Telework and Telecommuting
- Business Succession Planning
- Crisis Management
- Customer Support
- Employee Termination Processes
- Media and Public Relations
- Time Management
- Health and Wellness at Work
- Improving Mindfulness
- Improving Self-Awareness
- Increasing Your Happiness
- Managing Personal Finances
- Managing Workplace Anxiety
- Safety in the Workplace
- Stress Management
- Universal Safety Practices
- Work-Life Balance
Besides the above series which may be appropriate for COVID-19 situations of over 220 two-hour courses more on topics of trade, our award winning trade finance, exporting, logistics & SCM, digital marketing, Microsoft Office and soft skills that you can find on our website available for immediate start from just 10 euro each.
NEW!! Continuous Professional Development Credits
All eBSI Export Academy courses and programs will be awarded CPD Credits from our independent Accrediting Body The CPD Certification Service from the UK which is recognised by 1600 Institutes and Professional Organisations in the UK and thousands more internationally. Every individual course and program of courses carries its own CPD Rating and Credit Award.
These courses can be purchased individually on our portal store with dramatically reduced prices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our international Trade Course catalog has 12 courses from 20 euro each
Our Trade Finance catalog has 16 courses from 20 euro each
Our Digital Marketing catalog has 30 courses from 10 euro each
Our Export Marketing Catalog has 15 courses from 10 euro each
Our Logistics & SCM Catalog has 6 courses from 10 euro each
Our Administrative Skills Catalog has 10 courses from 10 euro each
Our Career Development catalog has 13 courses from 10 euro each
Our Health & Safety catalog has 5 courses from 10 euro each
Our Human Resources Catalog has 18 courses from 10 euro each
Our Management & Leadership catalog has 16 courses from 10 euro each
Our MS Office Skills catalog has 46 courses from 10 euro each
Our Personal Development catalog has 22 courses from 10 euro each
Our Sales & Marketing catalog has 22 courses from 10 euro each
Our Workplace Essentials catalog has 14 courses from 10 euro each
Your support will be greatly appreciated!
As a service to humanity during this crisis we are repeating the COVID-19 info we shared in our last bulletin so that it is easy and on hand to share with others.
World Health Organisation Emergency Response Fund
We are all affected by the growing COVID-19 pandemic. It's an unprecedented health challenge and we know people and organisations everywhere want to help. The World Health Organisation is leading and coordinating the global effort, supporting countries to prevent, detect, and respond to the pandemic.
The greatest need right now is to help ensure all countries are prepared, especially those with the weakest health systems. Donations support WHO’s work to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests, and treatments.
Visit https://www.covid19responsefund.org/ to support this global effort.
Lendwithcare.org supports MicroEntrepreneurs in 12 countries
eBSI Export Academy's CEO, Thomas Smith, is an Ambassador for Lendwithcare.org which already has 245 loans that have been approved and are seeking funding through the Lendwithcare website. We manage a fund for those who would prefer not to create an account and manage micro loans themselves here at https://www.ebsi.ie/products/lendwithcare-org-fund please help if you can.
Practical Advice for all
Please, we ask all our readers, friends, colleagues and visitors to stay safe and to heed the advice of health authorities so that we can all contribute to the solution of this global pandemic.
Remember the following advice which reflects global best practice (right click to open in new window in full size):

The key objective now is to help flatten the curve so that the number of cases in each country does not overwhelm the health systems there. This can be done by practicing proper social distancing and hand hygiene. You can learn more in our blog post on tips for the individual.
Help Ban the Wildlife Food Trade
We invite you to support the Avaaz petition to ban the wildlife food trade in China which has been the source of these zoonotic diseases. You can find the petition here: https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/coronavirus_31/ if you know of any other campaigns to ban the wild animal food trade which caused this pandemic let us know at info@ebsi.ie and we will include it in our Blog.