Amazon Marketplace
Amazon Marketplace is a very good way to add your product offering to Amazon's sales ecosystem. It is also a great way to make money by selling those products as an affiliate.
Objectives: This one hour course teaches you techniques on how to earn cash by being an Amazon Affiliate.
Completing this course will confer 1 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.
Unit Contents:
1. Amazon Marketplace
In this topic you will cover:
1. Amazon Market Place Affiliate
1.1 Overview Amazon Affiliate
1.2 Select Product Keywords
1.3 Becoming Amazon Affiliate
1.4 Register Domain
1.5 Setup Hosting Account
1.6 NameServers And Domain Hosting
1.7 Install WordPress Simplescripts
1.8 Install WordPress Fantastico
1.9 Optimize Website Plugins
1.10 Change Wordpress Design Theme
1.11 Grab Amazon Affiliate Link
1.12 Your Money Post
1.13 Promote Social Bookmarking
1.14 Promote Press Releases
1.15 Promote Web 2.0 Properties
1.16 Promote Video Marketing
1.17 Final Steps

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