Course Outline
Seat Time: 1.75hrs
This course will illustrate the various types of business writing, including a detailed look at the aspects of sales letters, agendas, memos, customer complaints, proposals, and more. This will also provide examples of each type of letter so that the learner may have a better idea of what a final product entails. After completing this program, the learner will be able to:
- Differentiate between types of business writing, such as announcement memos and proposal letters.
- Construct appropriate examples of each type of business communication.
- Proofread, edit, and format business letters for organization and clarity.
Course Topics
T1. Types of Business Writing: This topic will provide a brief but thorough overview of the most commonly used forms of business communication, such as memos, sales letters, agendas, email, and more.
T2. Standard Business Letter Format: This topic will study the standard format of most business letters, with detailed instruction on how to develop each aspect of a professional, concise letter.
T3. Sales Letters: This topic will describe the process for planning, structuring, formatting, and producing a professional and succinct sales letter for persuading a customer.
T4. Agendas: This topic will describe the process for planning, structuring, formatting, and producing a professional and succinct agenda for enhancing meetings.
T5. Memos: This topic will describe the process for planning, structuring, formatting, and producing a professional and succinct memo for interoffice communication.
T6. Customer Complaints: This topic will describe the process for planning, structuring, formatting, and producing a professional and succinct customer complaint response in the form of an apology letter.
T7. Proposals: This topic will describe the process for planning, structuring, formatting, and producing a professional and succinct proposal for potential customers of a company.

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