Stages of Negotiation

Bankers Academy
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Course Outline

Seat Time: 3.25hrs 

This course will provide an overview of the negotiation process, including information on obstacles, climate, strategy, and tactics. The learner will become acquainted with concessions, resolutions, and the closing process. After completing this program, the learner will be able to:

  • Use strategies and tactics to acquire successful outcomes to negotiations.
  • Make and receive offers as part of the negotiation process.
  • Properly and effectively close a negotiation.

Course Topics

T1. Prepare: This topic will teach the learner about preparation, an essential part of a successful negotiation, so that s/he is best able to commence working on a negotiation.

T2. Gathering Information: This topic will teach the learner about effective information gathering, the most basic part of the negotiation process, so that s/he understands the best way to go about gathering information in preparation of the negotiation.

T3. Know the Climate: This topic will instruct the student on the importance of climate, which reflects the orientation of the parties involved in a negotiation, so that s/he is better prepared for a negotiation.

T4. Strategizing and the Outcome: This topic will instruct the student on how to best create strategies for successful outcomes, including an explanation of the differences between goals and expectations.

T5. Tactics: This topic will explain the concept of tactics to the learner so that s/he has the knowledge s/he needs to succeed in a negotiation with a clear advantage.

T6. Leverage: This topic will provide the learner with an overview of leverage, an important situational advantage that the learner could take advantage of in a negotiation.

T7. Offers: This topic will introduce the learner to what kind of offers s/he may make or receive as part of the negotiation process and discusses the ônegotiation zone,ö which are defined by initial offers.

T8. Concessions and Resolutions: This topic will teach the learner about the concessions that s/he might encounter in the negotiation as well as the resolutions that s/he might encounter as the negotiation winds down.

T9. Close the Negotiation: This topic will provide the learner with the steps that lead to a structured process for properly closing a negotiation to ensure that all parties are satisfied.

T10. Evaluating the Negotiation: This topic will explain to the learner the best way to evaluate a negotiation so that s/he can determine if the negotiation was effective or not in accomplishing his/her goals.

T11. Closure and Evaluation: This topic will introduce the learner to the types of closure that s/he will experience when the negotiation ends and the best way to evaluate and assess the outcome of the negotiation.

T12. Case Studies: This topic will provide the learner with case studies that illustrate common problems that lead to ineffective negotiations so that s/he can learn from the mistakes and know how best to avoid them.

T13. Overcoming Obstacles: This topic will provide the learner with guidance on how to best overcome obstacles s/he might encounter in the negotiation as well as advanced negotiation strategies that s/he could use.

Stages of Negotiation - eBSI Export Academy
Stages of Negotiation - eBSI Export Academy
Stages of Negotiation - eBSI Export Academy
Stages of Negotiation - eBSI Export Academy
Stages of Negotiation - eBSI Export Academy
Stages of Negotiation - eBSI Export Academy

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