This course has been created to give students the skills to conceive, implement, and evaluate a staff retreat. Successful retreats can help bolster productivity and sales, and promote a positive work culture.
This course begins with a look at different staff retreat experiences, and moves on to discuss the reasons why they are held, and then takes a look at main staff retreat undertakings categories. The focus then shifts slightly to a look at how to identify the critical elements for a successful retreat, how to develop a planning checklist, and the keys to running a retreat. Evaluations and post-retreat activities are explained as well.
Course Topics:
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: What Does a Positive Environment Look Like?
- Introduction
- Characteristics of a Positive Work Environment
Session Three: What Can I Do?
- As an Employee
- As a Leader
Session Four: Team Player
- Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
Session Five A: Effective Workplace Relationships
- Teams
- Working Cooperatively
- Managing Conflict
- Self-Assessment
- Preventing Problems
Session Five B: Effective Workplace Relationships
- Dealing with Problems
- Meeting Management
Session Six: Conclusion
- Recommended Reading List
- Personal Action Plan
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