Introduction to Project Management

Bankers Academy
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Course Outline:

This course will discuss project management and the importance of customer focus. This course will also introduce various steps in the planning and implementation process of project management. After completing this program, the learner will be able to:

  • Determine business requirements and balance features and delivery.
  • Plan for and integrate change.
  • Identify and maintain customer focus. 

Course Topics:

T1. The Importance of Customer Focus: This topic will introduce the learner to the importance of customer focus by providing him/her with scenarios that provide examples of when customer focus is critical to a project manager's success.

T2. Maintaining Customer Focus: This topic will familiarize the learner with a variety of ways to maintain customer focus, such as maintain a customer-centric vision, keep customers involved, and encourage customer feedback.

T3. The Project Vision and Scope: This topic will familiarize the learner with the ways in which a project manager should go about creating the definition and scope of a project by making sure that the project definition is specific, measurable, and achievable, among other characteristics.

T4. Determining Business Requirements: This topic will familiarize the learner with creating a list of requirements for ensuring project completion; the topic defines deliverables, flexibility, and statement of work.

T5. Balancing Features and Delivery: This topic will familiarize the learner with how to properly balance features and delivery when it comes to completing a project, with specific focus on the issues of scope creep and feature freeze.

T6. Controlling Risk: This topic will discuss the causes of project failure, types of project risk, and how to identify risks.

T7. Planning For Change: This topic will inform the learner on how to plan for change by exploring the inevitably of change and its causes.

T8. Integrating Change Responses: This topic will familiarize the learner with integrating responses to change into the project plan by defining project control processes and the tools used to control aspects of the project process.

T9. Who are the Customers?: This topic will familiarize the learner with the processes by which s/he should go about getting to know customers, specifically through learning who a projectÆs stakeholders are and the subsequent communication that is necessary.

Introduction to Project Management - eBSI Export Academy
Introduction to Project Management - eBSI Export Academy
Introduction to Project Management - eBSI Export Academy
Introduction to Project Management - eBSI Export Academy
Introduction to Project Management - eBSI Export Academy
Introduction to Project Management - eBSI Export Academy

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