Course Outline:
Seat Time: 2.5hrs
This course will introduce the learner to the skills and strategies that will ensure that clear and proper communication is used at all times at the organization. The course will stress the importance of communication and will familiarize the learner with various aspects, including interpersonal skills, face-to-face communication, and communicating with teams. After completing this course, the learner will understand:
- How perception can affect communication.
- How communication can be used to influence and inspire other people.
- How to overcome potential barriers to clear communication.
Course Topics:
T1. Importance of Communication: This topic will present the inherent need for communication and the function of communication in the business world.
T2. Interpersonal Skills: This topic will discuss the notion that there is more to communicating than just talking, and will delineate between "senders" and "receivers" in communication.
T3. Face-to-Face Communication: This topic will explain the steps that must be followed in order to effectively communication with fellow employees in face-to-face situations.
T4. Perception and Communication: This topic will describe the elements which influence our perceptions, including the physical, environmental, and learned.
T5. Communicating and Teams: This topic will communicate to the learner essential team communication meetings, strategies, and guidelines.
T6. Communicate to Influence and Inspire: This topic will explore the concept of influencing people and situations from the point of contact with them.
T7. Establish Communicator Credibility: This topic will delve into the TRUST Model, and concepts such as treating people as individuals and respecting the organization.
T8. Direct and Indirect Channels: This topic will serve as a basis for understanding direct and indirect channels of communication and the uses of these in the organization.
T9. Presenting Organized Information: This topic emphasizes the importance of presenting complex information effectively and aspects of language and written information that ensures a clear message is conveyed.
T10. Communication Barriers: This topic will derive the numerous communication road blocks that arise during communication that tend to disrupt the message being conveyed.
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