Course Description
Seat Time: 3.75hrs - Desc:
This course will define and introduce the learner to sexual harassment and how and why it needs to be avoided at the institution. The course will familiarize the learner with sexual harassment laws and regulations, in addition to outlining the types of sexual harassment and behaviors that can be considered harassing. After completing this course, the learner will understand:
- The potentially devastating effects that sexual harassment can have on employees and the institution as a whole.
- What are and are not appropriate workplace behaviors.
- How to respond to and report sexual harassment at the institution.
Course Topics
T1. Introduction to Sexual Harassment: This topic will define and provide several examples of sexual harassment, in addition to providing the learner with videos that address the issue of sexual harassment.
T2. History of Sexual Harassment: This topic will provide a learner with a timeline that outlines landmark court cases and legislation that has influenced sexual harassment laws and policy.
T3. Sexual Harassment Legislation: This topic will address national legislation that has been passed to address, prevent, and punish instances of sexual harassment, including anti-retaliatory policies.
T4. Sexually Harassing Behaviors: This topic will define and explain the two types of sexual harassment, quid pro quo and hostile environment, and will also address how to differentiate between sexual harassment and simple workplace annoyances.
T5. Hostile Work Environment: This topic will define what is and what not a hostile environment is and will provide advice for identifying potentially hostile environments.
T6. Channels of Sexual Harassment: This topic will provide details and examples regarding the different ways in which sexual harassment can be communicated, including physical, verbal, and written harassment.
T7. Workplace Romances: This topic will address the potential problems of participating in workplace romances and will provide advice regarding how best to avoid these problems by keeping private life separate from work life.
T8. Effects of Sexual Harassment: This topic will provide an extensive look at the various emotional and physical effects that sexual harassment can have on victims, harassers, and the organization itself.
T9. Sexual Harassment Myths: This topic will debunk some of the many myths that exist around sexual harassment in an attempt to reinforce the fact that sexual harassment is a very real issue faced by many in the workplace.
T10. Responding to Sexual Harassment: This topic will provide the learner with several factors that should be used to determine if certain behaviors constitute sexual harassment, in addition to providing advice on addressing harassers and reporting harassment.
T11. If You Are Accused: This topic will provide the learner with advice for how to respond if s/he is ever accused of sexual harassment.
T12. Witnessing Sexual Harassment: This topic will provide the learner with an explanation of the responsibilities of anyone who may witness sexual harassment and how s/he should go about reporting the issue.
T13. Risks of Retaliation: This topic will define retaliation and adverse action, in addition to explaining the concepts of covered individuals and protected activities.
T14. Investigating Claims of Harassment: This topic will explain the process involved in investigating claims of sexual harassment in the workplace, which includes questioning the victim, the accused and any witnesses, and how to take appropriate disciplinary action.
T15. Role of the Supervisor: This topic will provide tips for supervisors to help prevent sexual harassment from occurring at the organization and to remain compliant with all laws and regulations

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