Who is LearnUpon? Expert Interview

LearnUpon is a powerful Learning Management System that instantly simplifies online learning

Why LearnUpon?  Let Thomas Smith of eBSI and Brendan Noud of Learnupon explain:

More than an eLearning Platform, an eLearning Partnership

TS: eBSI Export Academy has been working in the online learning sector since 2002 and has evolved its technology platform as need and features developed.  In 2014 we made the strategic decision to outsource our learning management to a strategic partner who we could trust would grow and evolve at the cutting edge of learning management as we focused on developing a broader and more encompasing training suite.  We found this in Learnupon!

BN: Founded in early 2012 by a team of industry professionals with over 25 years eLearning experience, our vision for LearnUpon was to build an LMS platform that was quick to setup, easy to use and backed up by amazing customer support. Today LearnUpon is one of the fastest growing LMS vendors on the market with over 800 customers worldwide. Our 24/7 customer support and commitment to regularly releasing new features has played a major role in our success to date.

TS: eBSI Export Academy was one of the first 100 major customers for Learnupon and we chose them for the combination of simplicity of user experience and powerful features which allow us to allow our students to learn in a time and a structure which matches their needs.

Clean, modern design which is deliberately simple

TS: Over the years we discovered that the Pareto's Rule of eLearning support was that 80% of student issues would be related to technical areas of their learning experience and 20% were directly related to their course and studies.  eBSI Export Academy wanted a Learning Management partner that took all the difficult technical issues away so that we could concentrate our resources on creating the best courses on the market - courses that we could be proud of and which students raved about - while resting assured that the technology used to deliver those courses was at the forefront of our industry.  The fact that Learnupon was also based in Ireland was a pleasant bonus for us!

BN: LearnUpon makes it easy to learn on a fast, clean and modern user interface which is responsive across all devices. LearnUpon is secure, reliable and instantly scales to your requirements.
We are committed to producing software that we can be proud of. We continuously improve our platform so it will get better over the life of your relationship with us.

Our multi-award winning support team have your back 24/7

TS: Prior to outsourcingour learning management system, our support team would be bogged down in complex technical queries requiring at times high risk interventions on our learning management system database.  This simply couldnt go on as the focus of our support needed to be centered on the learner's course experience and progression through our programs.  Learnupon's superlative customer service was invaluable during the difficult and sometimes technically challenging transition from our native server to their superior technological solution.  We haven't had to worry about technical issues since!

BN: It’s easy to make claims about performance metrics, but the experience of amazing customer support is more difficult to quantify.  If you’ve implemented an LMS previously, you probably already appreciate the value of excellent support. Fast and thorough support, available to all customers in all markets, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

  • Always online, always available
  • Responses from a knowledgeable person that cares
  • No placeholders, no automation
  • Quality resolution to your problem

Committed to the end customer's success

TS:The key to every successful business is creating happy customers.  We have experienced significant increases in customer satisfaction since partnering with Learnupon because not only is the learning management system more user friendly and advancing with the latest technical trends, but with technical support now resting in the capable hands of Learnupon for 80% of our student issues, customer support response times across both student and technical issues has shortened to under 4 hours with complete resolution of most cases within 48 hours.

BN: Our Customer Success specialists will work with you to ensure you are getting the best from your LMS, update you on new features, and to share best practices that lead to your eLearning success.  Benefit from our experience of 100’s of LMS implementations. We aim to personally know our customers and what success means to them.

Onward and upward together!

TS: Thanks to Brendan and his team for all the support and help in our journey so far and we look forward to a long partnership and continuing success to both our organisations!` Not only have we adopted your excellent system for ourselves, we are now recommending it to our clients when they are seeking a Learning Management System of their own!

BN: Its been a pleasure and we look forward to bringing more and more innovative features to our platform to continue to enhance the learning experience of your and all our customer's learners.

To learn more about Learnupon and its services visit http://www.learnupon.com 

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